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1899 The officials of the Provincial Council and Junta Popular of Cebu City, under the Philippine Republic, are elected. Luis Flores and Florentino Rallos are elected heads of the province and city, respectively.

Digital Cebuano, NCCA project goes online
The USC Cebuano Studies Center under the sponsorship of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) will launch new materials for the Digital Cebuano: Enhancement of the Cebuano Studies Center Archive. The online archive is the product of the project with NCCA. The Digital Cebuano project is an envisioned cooperative project to digitize […]

NRCP Announces a New Division Chair for the Humanities
Dr. Hope Sabanpan-Yu, director of the University of San Carlos Cebuano Studies Center, has been named the new chair of the Division of the Humanities of the National Research Council of the Philippines. When she begins her two-year term this April, she will be replacing current division chair Dr. Adelaida F. Lucero, professor of comparative […]