X≠Y Translation Workshop
The USC Cebuano Studies Center in cooperation with the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. under the sponsorship of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts conducted the X ≠ Y Translation Workshop 2012 at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral Museum on August 20-21, 2012. The fellows from Cebu were Hannah […]
The Carcar Lecture Series
The USC Cebuano Studies Center in cooperation with the St. Catherine School of Carcar and the City of Carcar is conducting the Carcar Lecture Series every month from January to July 2013 at St. Catherine School from 1:00-4:00 pm. The Carcar Lecture Series is an outreach program of the Cebuano Studies Center geared […]

National Artist in Cebu!
The USC Cebuano Studies Center and Little Boy Productions hosted a lecture featuring National Artist for Literature F. Sionil Jose and the musical “Progress” last January 26, Saturday, at 5:30 p.m. at the CAP Art Center on Osmeña Boulevard. F. Sionil Jose is one of the most widely-read Filipino writers in the English […]

Asia University (Japan)
Dr. Yoshihiro Kobari (College of International Relations) and Dr. Shuji Nishikawa (Vice-Director of the International Center) of Asia University in Japan visited the Cebuano Studies Center in line with their overseas field exposure program and to establish a linkage with the center as its counterpart in Cebu. Photos: [Show slideshow]

Southeast Asia Seminar 2012
The USC Cebuano Studies Center (CSC) and Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies held the 36th Southeast Asia Seminar from Nov. 20-23, 2012 at the College of Architecture and Fine Arts Theater, USC Talamban Campus. The theme of this year’s seminar is “Cities and Cultures in Southeast Asia.” The seminar looks at the social […]

1st Cebuano Lost Cinema Conference
The USC Fine Arts Graduate School of Cinema Studies in cooperation with the Cebuano Studies Center held the 1st Cebuano Lost Cinema Conference at the CAFA lecture theater on November 10, 2012. Dr. Hope Sabanpan-Yu, CSC director, gave the keynote address for the activity. Manila-based director and film scholar Nick Deocampo discussed the history of […]

28th Faigao Workshop
The 28th Cornelio Faigao Memorial Annual Writers Workshop was held at Elsalvador Beach Resort at Sabang, Danao, Cebu, from November 2 to 4, 2012. The workshop panelists were Dr. Erlinda Kintanar-Alburo, Ms. Merlie Alunan, Dr. Ralph Semino Galan, and Mr. John Iremil Teodoro. Here is the list of the 28th Faigao Wokshop Fellows. From Cebu, […]
28th Cornelio Faigao Workshop Fellows Announced
The USC Cebuano Studies Center is pleased to announce the fifteen (15) fellows to the 28th Cornelio Faigao Memorial Annual Writers Workshop 2012. From Cebu, the fellows are Abigail Therese Cubillan (short story in English); Daryl Niño Jabil and Ranulfo Visaya, Jr. (short story in Cebuano); Manuel Avenido, Jr., Ushabelle Bongo, Alsteine Joi Diapana, Maeren […]

Activating USC as Catholic cultural center
The CBCP Episcopal Commission on Culture (ECC), composed of Most Rev. Elenito Galido, D.D., Most Rev. Julito Cortes, D.D., and Sr. Mary Anthony Basa, PDDM, visited the university to present the role, objectives and responsibilities of the envisioned Catholic cultural centers all over the country. The presentation of the CBCP team was held […]