1899 Lt. Col. Thomas H. Hamer is assigned as the first American military governor of Cebu. Cebu is designated as a subdistrict under the Department of the Visayas with headquarters in Iloilo. On this day, the Americans also establish in what is now Freedom Park the Post of Cebu, later called Warwick Barracks. 1902 Birth […]
Today in the History of Cebu
1899 Cebuano leaders under Luis Flores surrender “under protest” the City of Cebu to the Americans. At 8:00 in the morning, Pablo Mejia, representing the Cebuanos, hands the document of surrender to the commander of the American gunboat “Petrel”.
1871 A bishop’s decree confirms the erection of Consolacion, Cebu, as a parish. 1899 At around 11:00 in the morning, the American gunboat “Petrel” docks in Cebu and signals the start of the American occupation in Cebu. On this day, the leaders of the Republic in Cebu meet to deliberate on what course of action […]
1952 Col. Ramon Enriquez takes over as commander of the III Military Area with headquarters in Cebu.
1950 Bishop Julio R. Rosales, formerly of the Diocese of Tagbilaran, is installed as the new Archbishop of Cebu.
1911 Colegio de San Carlos, known as the oldest school in the country, is formally incorporated.
1872 Fathers Burgos, Gomez and Zamora are executed in Bagumbayan. 1923 Death of Tomas R. Baguio (1885-1923), native of Cordoba, Mactan, and prominent poet and journalist.
1901 Pantaleon del Rosario, revolutionary leader, acknowledges receipt of reports of the wavering of patriotism among the principal residents of Carcar: “they appear about to give way to their discouragement and finally recognize American sovereignty.” Among others, del Rosario suggests the deployment of insurgent forces in the town to inspire inhabitants with respect for the […]
1897 General Adolfo Montero arrives in Cebu to assume the position of politico-military governor of Cebu. He succeeds General Celestino Fernandez Tejero y Mulet.
1952 A legal battle continues to be waged over the controversial jackpot machines in the city. Jackpot machine operators contest a city ordinance banning the machines is getting an injunction order naming City Mayor Pedro Elizalde and Police Chief Nicolas Gabutina respondents.
1846 Birth of Benigna Cui (1846-1926), well-known Cebu philanthropist and businesswoman. 1857 A bishop’s decree confirms the erection of Tuburan, Cebu, as a parish. Its patron saint is San Antonio de Padua.